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See Smart Sinks in Action

Smart Sinks innovated sink offers quality and a solution to be kind to the environment and comfortable to the user.

On the job with Smart Sinks waste water filtration and recycling systems.

Waste is collected via 3 disposable bags and 2 rear filters, preventing waste from going into the environment.

Smart Sinks Tool Washing Station is a patented 5 stage filtration (3 bags Blue, White Green and 2 Cartridge filters 5uM and 1uM) system that offers the user 100% mobility and environmentally responsible tools that helps to comply with EPA by filtering out solids down to 1 micron (1uM) which gives clean filtered water that is recycled within the system saving thousands of litres of water from being wasted during tool cleaning each week – bags are easily disposed of in sites waste bins. These units SAVES TIME in travelling from job face to tool washing facility SAVES WATER as it has 60 litres on board that is used all week via recycling process and this in turn SAVES MONEY.

The following videos can help with:-
1. Set up
2. Removing Control Box
3. Cleaning & Warranty – Bags & Cartridges
4. Power Problem
5. Changing Bags – Blue, White & Green
6. Leaking & Pressure Problem
7. In use at AWCI (Association Wall Ceilings Institute)
8. Testimonial
9. Trouble Shooting – Extra info

Leslie and Craig Hanson  |  07 5488 4154   |  info@smartsinks.com.au   |   Facebook @smartsinks

Leslie and Craig Hanson

07 5488 4154


Facebook @smartsinks

Product Care and Maintenance

To help you maintain your Smart Sinks Tool Washing Station we have provided a range of guides and troubleshooting information.

You are still welcome to contact us if you do not find the help your require here.


Troubleshooting power problem


Troubleshooting Changing 3 Bags


Troubleshooting Changing Sensors & wiring which is called the Loom.


Troubleshooting Cleaning & Warranty


Troubleshooting Check Control Box


Trouble shooting Leaking & Poor Pressure


Trouble shooting Remove Pump


Troubleshooting 12 Volt battery box

Smart Sinks Declutter Range

Tidy up your workplace with quality stainless steel fittings designed to streamline workflow and enhance workplace health and safety.